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RTI Press is a global publisher of peer-reviewed, open-access publications. We publish on a broad range of topics reflecting RTI’s multidisciplinary research, expertise in social and laboratory sciences, and extensive international activities. Our publications inform national and international research, scientific discussions, and policy debates. RTI International funds RTI Press as a means of sharing research and practical knowledge to improve the human condition.
The RTI Press Methods Report Series (ISSN 2378-7813) consists of scholarly essays that document and describe advances in research tools, applications, and methods. They may include detailed documentation of methods that can be cited in other publications. Methods Reports are sequentially numbered and designated with the year and month of release (i.e., MR-number-year+month. For example, MR-0045-2105).
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RTI Press is a Diamond Open Access publisher; neither authors nor readers pay for our publications. RTI Press (i.e., RTI International) copyrights all sole-published publications and makes them available as free downloads under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). More information is available in our Open Access Policy. RTI Press will consider submissions that have been previously made available as preprints, as long as authors retain copyright of those preprints (for more information on RTI Press's preprints policy, see Sherpa Romeo). Digital preservation is ensured through Portico.
Peer Review
Manuscripts submitted to RTI Press are subject to single-blind peer review. Several reviewers will be invited; methods reports require at least two completed peer reviews. The peer review process for each manuscript is managed by a member of the RTI Press Editorial Board. Details on our peer review process are outlined in our editorial production process.
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As RTI Press strives to reach a general audience, authors are invited to submit manuscripts that are clearly and concisely written without jargon or overly technical language. All submitted manuscripts are screened for plagiarism and must not be concurrently under review elsewhere. RTI Press does not charge fees to authors for peer-reviewed publications. To submit a manuscript to RTI Press, see our instructions for authors.
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