2020 CEATI International Hydropower Conference
Palm Springs, CA
United States
We're excited to participate in the 11th Annual CEATI Hydropower Conference, held March 3-4 in Palm Springs, CA. The conference brings together 80+ utility members of CEATI's hydropower program to share their experiences and lessons learned from implementing new tools, techniques, and methodologies in the areas of hydrology, operations and planning, inspecting and maintaining powerhouse equipment, and surveillance and monitoring of dams and civil structures.
RTI expert Shaun Carney will join the conversation during the following session and discuss how datatsets created by synthetic time series generation can be used to evaluate whether a reservoir system is vulnerable to extreme droughts and floods.
Session 2A: Dam Safety Operations and Planning
Date: March 3, 2020
Time: 1:30pm
Join us in this session to learn more about our work in water resources!