Marie G. Gantz
Senior Fellow, Statistics
Senior Fellow, Statistics
PhD, Biostatistics, University of Kentucky
MS, Applied Statistics, George Mason University
BA, Rhetoric & Communications Studies, University of Virginia
Dr. Gantz resides in Asheville, NC with her husband Lance, daughter Delia, and son Afton. She shared her experience at her first job, what made her interested in statistics, and the best part about working at RTI.
My first two jobs after undergrad were as a housekeeper at a guest ranch in Wyoming and an office manager for a small construction company in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Those were a fun couple of years that allowed me to figure out my next move.
After graduating with a B.A., I became interested in research broadly speaking. Recognizing that any type of research involves statistics, I decided I wanted to be someone who could apply and interpret them, so I studied statistics as a graduate student. Earning a degree in statistics as opposed to a specific research field has allowed me to be involved in a range of research projects.
As my research interest have evolved, being at RTI has allowed me to pursue opportunities that excite me. The Fellow Program is the ultimate example. In 2013, my then-infant son was diagnosed with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS), and today my Fellow Program work involves accelerating research in rare diseases, including PWS. As a Fellow and a mentor, I believe strongly that if people are supported in doing research that excites and motivates them, that is a win-win situation for the individual and RTI.
Dr. Gantz did not study statistics until she was in graduate school. Surprisingly, she majored in rhetoric and communication and minored in studio art during her undergraduate time at the University of Virginia.
When she’s not at work, Dr. Gantz enjoys knitting, reading, hiking, biking, and camping with her family. She also has a pet Aussiedoodle named Inigo after a character in the Princess Bride.
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